GravityFree Wins National Award For Resort Website
Written by GravityFree
onTuesday, March 29th, 2011
in Awards
Website of the Year
GravityFree recently received a national “Website of the Year” award for the Sun N’ Fun Resort & Campground’s website, The award came from The National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds.
Sun N’ Fun Resort & Campground provides visitors from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom rest and relaxation, as well as social and educational activities, in a paradise-like setting. GravityFree created to share all of their great activities and amenities with online visitors and to highlight the unique Sun N’ Fun experience. The results were a substantial increase in online reservations and a better connection with their visitors.
A Few More Addys
Locally, GravityFree was also recently honored with three awards from the American Advertising Federation of the Suncoast (AAF).
- A gold Addy Award in the Interactive Media category, Consumer HTML-Products division, for “Flower Manager” website, The nation’s top florists currently use the Flower Manager application to sell more than 50 million dollars of flowers yearly.
- A second gold Addy Award was received in the Advertising for the Arts category, Interactive division, to the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art for their “Ringling International Arts Festival” website,
- Lastly, GravityFree won a silver Addy Award, again for the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art for their “Ringling International Arts Festival” interactive campaign.